Calle Granada still closed

Quite a large trench edging its way up calle Granada at the moment, all part of the Plaza Cavana redevelopment project. Most of the square itself has now been filled in, but still a fair way to go before completion.

Calle Granada closed to through traffic

The expanding works in Plaza Cavana mean that the bottom of calle Granada is now closed to traffic. The top part is still accessible from the exit of the underground car park. From calle Diputación it is now possible to access calle El Barrio for those wanting to take the scenic route, although the corner is bumpy and great care …

Plaza Cavana update January 31st

The bottom end of Plaza Cavana, near the church, is beginning to be filled in and flattened ready for a new surface to be laid, although the other end is still a mass of huge craters as work continues on the water and drainage systems. The kerb stones are also in place in front of the Hotel Plaza Cavana to …

Hotel Plaza Cavana terrace disappears

The area in front of the Hotel Plaza Cavana has also now come under the bulldozer as the building works rattle on, which means there will be no terrace for a while. The building works have not encroached any further upon calle El Barrio but access to the square is quite narrow and via a small bridge.

Plaza Cavana, Balcón de Europa and calle Carabeo update.

Plaza Cavana is still very much a building site. The main trenches have been filled in but the works have spread to the first few metres of calle El Barrio. Today, it was not possible to go from calle El Barrio to calle Diputación past the Banco de Andalucia as this was closed off.

Plaza Cavana January 11th

A fair amount of activity in Plaza Cavana this morning but still a long, long way to go before these works are finished. At least in this area the building works have had far less impact on the local businesses and none have been forced to close for long periods. Small mercies.

Back to work

Someone has been out administering pyrotechnic suppositories because there were a dozen workmen in Plaza Cavana this morning and five on the Balcon de Europa. Not all gainfully occupied, one might add, but at least they were on the sites. The bad weather has, of course, prevented any work being done on any of the projects for the past week …

Balcón de Europa and Plaza Cavana

The cafe Mediterraneo on calle Carmen managed to open again on Saturday, even having a terrace as there wasn’t much building going on. Several of the businesses in the square behind the Balcón de Europa have opened up again.

Balcon de Europa, Plaza Cavana, calle Carabeo, calle Jaén

A trip round some of the major building works today, see how they’re progressing. The square behind the Balcón de Europa has the primary surface in place although very little, if any, activity in this area this morning.