More inspections during olive harvest

Agricultural organisations in Jaén province have reminded farmers to comply with the employment and safety rules as the olive harvest gets underway.

Petition started in Torre de Benagalbón

The Association of Residents in Torresol, part of Torre de Benagalbón in the municipality of Rincón de la Victoria have started a petition to protest about the neglect of the area by the municipal authorities.

Huge tractorcade expected in Jaén

The Organisation of Farmers and Cattlemen (COAG) is hoping that today will see the biggest ever gathering of tractors in Andalucía as they plan to converge on Jaén to protest about the state of the olive oil industry.

Protest against bullfighting

In Córdoba yesterday, around 600 people marched through the streets to demand an end to bullfighting in the province.

Protest in Antequera

Around 200 people marched through the streets of Antequera yesterday in protest against the ERE (Expediente de Regulación de Empleo) submitted by the company Antal Textil, a measure whic affects 49 workers at the plant.

Protest against bullfighting

Around 300 protesters gathered near La Maestranza, Sevilla, to demand the abolition of bullfighting. The protests coincide with the start of the Feria de Abril (April Fair) in the city.


Chiringuito owners in Andalucía are threatening to instigate a novel protest if they do not get a solution to the ‘problem’ within the next fifteen days. They are going to build a chiringuito outside the Ministry of Environment office in Madrid and start making espetas de sardinas – sardines on a stick – and other typical products.

Dairy farmers protest in Madrid

Around 700 Andalucían dairy farmers are in Madrid today to protest against the decline in the home price of milk.

Free chicken and wine in Granada

Today is the turn of the chicken farmers to make a protest, handing out 5,000 free portions of chicken and wine in Granada.

Protest by farmers in Jaén

Around 3,000 farmers and 1,000 tractors packed the centre of Jaén on Saturday to protest about the falling price of olive oil and other agricultural products.