The Councillor for Finance, Antonio Villasclaras, has announced that the Council intends to freeze local taxes, rates and fees for next year and some may even be lowered.
IBI for 2013
Those people required to pay IBI (rates) should shortly receive a letter asking if you wish to pay the IBI general rates for 2013 by one of the following methods: In 2 instalments, April and October; in 3 instalments, April, July and October or in 11 monthly instalments from January to November inclusive.
Municipal taxes in Rincón de la Victoria frozen for 2013
Rincón de la Victoria Council has announced a freeze on municipal taxes, including rates (IBI), for 2013, maintaining them at the same rate as this year. The only exception relates to the charge for water as this must be updated each year based upon the CPI – Consumer Price Index. This will result in an 8.5% increase in water rates.
Changes to Balcón de Carabeo Car Park rules
Between April 1st and October 21st it is no longer possible for residents to purchase the cheap rate subscriptions for the Balcon de Carabeo Car Park situated in Los Huertos de Carabeo (feria ground), although existing subcribers are able to renew their passes.
IBI rate to decrease next year
The rate of IBI (rates) is set to go down next year from the current 0.485% to 0.475% making the rate one of the lowest in Málaga province.
Increased rates in Torremolinos
Torremolinos Council has upgraded the status of around 200 streets in the municipality from third to second grade, a move which basically means an increase in taxes for public services, such as street cleaning etc, and bars will have to pay around 25% more for their terraces.
Paying your IBI (Rates) in installments
The Tax Office has sent a letter to all property owners offering the possibility to pay the IBI (General Rates) in installments. The normal IBI payment date is from 1st July to 11 September and if you wish to continue paying that way then just disregard the letter. However, if you would like to pay in installments you must fill …